Reporting requirements, payment of funding and acknowledgements

Guidelines for grant holders

Requirements and terms of an award are agreed in the ORUK Standard Research Agreement signed between Orthopaedic Research UK and the researcher’s host University /Trust.

Reporting requirements

Please note: Where agreements for joint partnership funds are signed between the researcher’s host institution and a partner organisation, please consult the partner organisation’s terms and guidelines.  

Interim and Final Report

Upon signing a Research Agreement with Orthopaedic Research UK, recipients will be expected to submit:

  • interim reports at 6-month intervals (Interim report template)
  • a final report at the end of the Research (Final report template)
  • where applicable, a hardbound copy of the final MD or PhD thesis on conclusion of the Research.

Orthopaedic Research UK shall be entitled to withhold payments during any period in which any such reporting or delivery is overdue.


We require an annual Researchfish submission from all our eligible researchers, including Group Leaders at our institutes. We ask you to submit for the duration of your award and for three years after an award has ended – this is so we capture any late-breaking outputs.

Read more here.

Payment of funding

Expected dates of payments will be agreed in contracts. The exact dates are subject to timely completion of reporting requirements and receipt of invoices from the host institution.

ORUK branding & acknowledgement

You are required to acknowledge the support of Orthopaedic Research UK in all your engagements and publications related to this research. Our suggested wordings are as follows:

“The support of Orthopaedic Research UK is gratefully acknowledged”


“The author(s) would like to thank Orthopaedic Research UK for funding this study”

For podium and poster presentations we will be supplying you with an electronic copy of our logo in various digital formats. 

You are required to send a digital copy of your publications to Orthopaedic Research UK.

It is a condition of grants to be actively involved in engagement events and fundraising campaigns to communicate the impact of your research to the general public.

We will supply you with various ORUK branded products during the course of your funding.

Extenuating circumstances and extensions

If you experience extenuating circumstances or difficulties with your research, which affect your ability to fulfil your project requirements and meet submission deadlines, please contact Orthopaedic Research UK at We will discuss possible options, such as no-cost extensions.