Reporting research outputs


We use Researchfish to capture the outputs and impacts of the research we fund.

Researchfish helps us understand the outputs of your research, and gives us the information we need to formulate effective strategies to support world-class research. It also helps us to communicate the impact your research is having.

Researchfish and why we use it

Researchfish is an online system developed specifically for collecting research outputs on behalf of funding organisations, used by hundreds of other funders across the world. It provides us with vital information about the impact of the research we fund, ensuring we have a comprehensive picture of the outputs from our research portfolio.

Development of Researchfish is governed by a steering board made up of members of subscribing funders and host institutions. They recommend changes to improve the data collected and make the system simpler for all users, including re-using data already entered into university systems, and enabling researchers to enter outputs against multiple awards where appropriate.

Find out more about Researchfish

Who this affects

We require an annual Researchfish submission from all our eligible researchers, including Group Leaders at our institutes. We ask you to submit for the duration of your award and for five years after an award has ended – this is so we capture any late-breaking outputs. Submissions are not required for awards less than six months from the start date.

Exceptions may be possible where agreed with us, for example, for researchers on parental leave or other leave of absence. To discuss individual circumstances, please contact us on

What you will need to do

We will notify researchers via email when your ORUK grant has been added to the system.  This email will either invite you to create a new Researchfish account, or to link your award to any existing account. Once your Researchfish account is activated, you can start adding outputs and attributing these to your ORUK award(s).

If you think an award you hold is eligible for a Researchfish submission but you haven’t received an invitation, you can check and re-send the invitation here.

You can nominate a delegate to add outputs on your behalf, and you can invite a collaborator to link outputs from their account to your awards where appropriate.

Find out more about adding outputs in the Researchfish user guide

Research outputs

Researchfish allows us to capture all outputs from your ORUK-funded research. These can range from publications, collaborations, engagement activities, influence on policy, and more. Please ensure you read through the question set and report all outputs in the relevant section. In general, you should include any outputs which you want us, as a funder, to know about.  Once added, outputs remain linked to your award, building a cumulative picture of your research each year.  You can edit outputs added in previous years (for example, by adding information on impact).

Researchfish aims to reduce the time required to report by importing information from other sources, including EuropePMC, ORCID and university CRIS systems.  In some cases, your institution will also upload information on your behalf.

Submission period

The dates of the 2025 submission period are 3 February 2025 -until 16:00 on 13 March 2025.

Submission requirements are set out using response codes:

Response Code



A submission is expected this year; sanctions policy may apply.


No submission required this year; award holder has a one-year exemption as a result of long term leave. 


No further submissions required – the award holder is retired/no longer active in research and/or the grant ended more than five years ago.


Submission required; award holder no longer at funded institution.


Submission optional.










If a submission is required for one of your awards (response code 1 or 4), you’ll be notified at the beginning of the submission period.  You’ll need to add and update any outputs, and then formally submit these by the deadline.  Delegates and collaborators can both add outputs to your awards, but only the PI can submit.  Please make sure you submit the award even if you have no new outputs to report.

Submission for any awards with a response code of 5 is not mandatory, but please do continue to add or update any relevant information and submit alongside your other awards.

We’ve acted on feedback about the volume of emails associated with Researchfish in previous years.  For the 2023 submission, you’ll only receive an email at the start of the submission window if you have an award with response code 1 or 4, and one further email if your submission is still outstanding at the beginning of the final week of the submission period.

Condition of grant

From July 2023, Researchfish submission will be mandatory and a condition of your grant.

Failure to comply with a valid annual Researchfish submission may result in us withholding payments to your host institution.

If you are unable to complete your submission by the deadline for any reason, please contact us at

How we use your information

The information you provide is vital in helping us understand and talk about the research that we fund, guiding our strategy and helping us to communicate effectively with our supporters.

Researchfish submissions form part of our reporting and evaluation infrastructure, and your responses are available to our research teams and our fundraisers.  We use it to help us monitor progress against the research strategy, to understand the impact we’re having over time, and to spot great case studies that we can share with our supporters.

Information entered on Researchfish is collected on behalf of the funders, and cannot be used for commercial purposes.  Orthopaedic Research UK does not use Researchfish data to evaluate, rank or score individual research projects.