Webinar with the Orthopaedic Academy
Biomaterial behaviour and biomaterials in arthroplasty
Mr Alan Norrish, Senior Research Fellow, University of Nottingham and Senior Clinical Fellow, Nottingham University Hospitals
Target audience: Candidates preparing for the FRCS (Orth) examinations, and trainees who are in their earlier years of training.
Organised jointly by Orthopaedic Research UK and the Orthopaedic Academy
Mr Alan Norrish, Senior Research Fellow, University of Nottingham and Senior Clinical Fellow, Nottingham University Hospitals
Alan Norrish qualified with both a PhD in basic science and MB BChir in clinical medicine from the University of Cambridge. He also has an international reputation having practiced and taught medicine in a number of countries around the world. He is currently he is currently a co-leader of a quarter of a million pounds of UK government funding to improve medical education in trauma services in Yangon in Myanmar.
Alan Norrish has worked in a number of different leadership roles at Addenbrooke’s Hospital with a particular emphasis on patient safety and clinical governance. He clinical areas of interest include hip, knee and fracture surgery with a particular emphasis on limb reconstruction and the treatment of bone and joint infection. He has 40 publications on Google Scholar with over 400 citations.